SACSCOC Reaffirmation

The institution identifies, evaluates, and publishes goals and outcomes for student achievement appropriate to the institution’s mission, the nature of the students it serves, and the kinds of programs offered. The institution uses multiple measures to document student success.

SACSCOC Core Requirement 8.1 - Student Achievement

The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) requires institutions to identify outcomes including a Key Student Completion Indicator (KSCI) to report student achievement.  Palm Beach Atlantic University (PBA), and independent, private university, complies with this requirement by monitoring broad measures of student success through four institutional outcomes including six-year graduation rates (completion within 150% of expected time) as reported annually to the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) for the KSCI. The four outcomes are identified and discussed below.

  • Institutional Outcome 1 (IO1) Students will persist in enrollment at the University.
  • Institutional Outcome 2 (IO2) Students will persist in enrollment to appropriate six-­year graduation rates.
  • Institutional Outcome 3 (IO3) Students will prepare for future advancement in their chosen vocational areas.
  • Institutional Outcome 4 (IO4) Students will manage their student loan debt successfully.


Goal #1: Freshman to sophomore student retention will reach 80%. (IO1)


The University tracks student success in coursework and persistence in continued re-enrollment. Services and personnel are focused on these efforts. The freshman to sophomore (fall-to-fall) retention goal is 80% by 2026, a goal created in 2020 as part of the University Strategic Plan. To support this goal, the University utilizes Waypoint (early alert system) and PBA Lead (student leadership program) and contracts with College Raptor for financial aid modeling. The threshold achievement is 70%.


Recent retention history at PBA and nationally provides the rationale for the long-term goal and threshold. Institutional history can be found in the 2022-23 PBA Fact Book and is summarized below.

Academic Year Fall-to-Fall Fall-to-Spring
 2022-23  76% (Fall 2021 to Fall 2022)  87.6% (Fall 2022 to Spring 2023)
 2021-22  71% (Fall 2020 to Fall 2021)  89.6% (Fall 2021 to Spring 2022)
 2020-21  73% (Fall 2019 to Fall 2020)  87.8% (Fall 2020 to Spring 2021)
 2019-20  76% (Fall 2018 to Fall 2019)  89.0% (Fall 2019 to Spring 2020)
 2018-19  75% (Fall 2017 to Fall 2018)  92.0% (Fall 2018 to Spring 2019)


The Persistence and Retention report series compiled by the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center (NSC), provides national retention and persistence data by types of institution, by states, and by full-time or part-time enrollment. The NSC definition of “retention” rate is the percentage of students who enter an institution in a fall semester and return to the same institution the next fall semester. The report includes many data points, but the best justification for the 80% goal by 2026 and 70% threshold at PBA are the published first-year retention rates. The 2022 report shows an overall rate of 67% nationally between 2012 and 2021, and 79% among private, non-profit, 4-year institutions.


Public Disclosure

The University provides retention information to the general public through annual preparation and posting of the Common Data Set Initiative, a collaborative effort among data providers in the higher education community and publishers as represented by the College Board, Peterson’s, and U.S. News & World Report. These data are published in numerous surveys. The University and College Accountability Network (U­-CAN) is one of many organizations that display information from the Common Data Set. The U-­CAN site is sponsored by the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities. There are more than 550 profiles on this site and close to 5 million profile pages have been viewed since the site launch in 2007.

The University also provides retention, graduation, and other data to Student Achievement Measure (SAM). This product utilizes data from the NSC to “… track student movement across postsecondary institutions to provide a more complete picture of undergraduate student progress and completion within the higher education system. SAM is an alternative to the federal graduation rate, which is limited to tracking the completion of first-­time, full-­time students at one institution.” The SAM Project is a joint initiative of the six national higher education presidential associations: the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC), the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU), the American Council on Education (ACE), the Association of American Universities (AAU), the Association of Public and Land­ grant Universities (APLU), and the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities (NAICU).



The University Retention Committee meets regularly to share efforts and results in improving student success and persistence in enrollment. During the summer months and until enrollment verification in the fall semester, the Vice President for Student Development produces a regular retention report for use in Cabinet meetings and with the PBA Leadership Group to keep all stakeholders apprised of changes in the groups represented. The Provost’s Administrative Council (PAC) receives regular reports on retention and academic support efforts. They also review the course completion reports and discuss courses that produce more D, F, and W grades than others.


Goal #2 (KSCI) Full­-time, first-time, degree/certificate­ seeking undergraduate students seeking a bachelor’s degree will graduate at 65% by 2030 (150% of the normal or expected time for completion). (IO2)



The University tracks four-year, six­-year, and eight­-year bachelor’s degree graduation rates for PBA as required by IPEDS. The University also tracks graduation by PBA School, for non­-traditional student groups, and through the NCAA Graduation Rate and Academic Success Rate report. The University monitors closely the graduation rate for the four-year baccalaureate degree, with a 55% goal and 45% threshold. Goal #2 focuses on the six-year graduation rate, which is also the SACSCOC KSCI, set at 65% by 2030 with a threshold of 53%.



This goal is based both on recent PBA history for graduation rates, found in the 2022-23 Fact Book, and comparison data from the Horizon Group, the University’s comparison group of peer and aspirant institutions. Completing College: National and State Reports are produced by NSC. With a baseline in 2018 of 54% (accounting for years since the last reaffirmation), PBA notes moderate increases up to 61% by 2021 with the 2015 cohort, then a decrease in 2022, most likely accounted for by COVID-19.

Additionally, PBA’s 65% goal by 2030 and 53% threshold is justified by national trends for six-year completion rates. These are 62% overall, 78% among all private, non-profit four-year institutions, and 66% among the private, non-profit institutions in the PBA comparison group.


Public Disclosure

The University provides Student Achievement data for public disclosure on the website. It also provides annually to SACSCOC the newest graduation rate data as part of the Annual Profile. This data matches that in the current year IPEDS Grad Rate Survey. Disaggregated graduation data from the 2016 and 2017 cohorts have been the topic of discussion at recent Provost Administrative Council meetings.


Application at the School Level


School of Nursing 

The SON has implemented a multistep plan to improve retention from pre-nursing to upper division and to graduation rates.

  • Student advising assignments are based on admission criteria, including high school GPA and ACT/SAT scores.
    • Freshmen students meeting admission benchmarks indicating needs for support resources are followed by staff specifically prepared to meet those needs with degree plans including reduced credit loads;
    • Students meeting benchmarks indicating successful preparation for rigorous science and humanities’ courses are assigned to SON faculty advisors with appropriate degree plans;
    • All entering freshmen are enrolled in a semester course for college success with their advisors to develop college success skills and individualized degree plans.
  • Students admitted to upper division level courses are evaluated based on their performance in pre-nursing courses.  Students approved to move into upper division level courses enroll and must successfully complete one semester of lower division level courses to advance to upper division level courses.  Based on the evaluation, students may be encouraged/required to attend mandatory tutoring in pre-nursing science courses or nursing courses.
  • Students who are not successful in one nursing course are allowed to retake that course after they have submitted a request to do so and have reflected on why they were unsuccessful, including what they will change to assure success in their next attempt.  Students are required to attend tutoring sessions in their second course attempt.

School of Education & Behavioral Studies (SEBS)

Palm Beach Atlantic University School of Education students must pass three Florida Teacher Certification Exams (FTCE) in order to be a certified Florida school teacher. Students must first pass the General Knowledge exam (GK) during their first semester as prerequisite for upper-level coursework. Second, elementary education majors must pass the Professional Education exam (PEd). Third, they must pass all sections of the Elementary K­6 Subject Area Exam (SAE) in order to student teach.

Beginning in the 2022-23 AY, elementary education majors must take the GK test in the 1st semester of their freshman year. Students enrolled in EDU 1013 will be required to utilize 240 Tutoring as a resource to support their GK test preparation.

Candidates who are unsuccessful at their 1st attempt of passing all four GK sections, work with their advisors to analyze test results for areas of strength and deficiencies.

Beginning in spring semester 2023-24, candidates who do not pass the GK during their first semester, are required to take a one credit course designed specifically to address test-taking strategies and GK content. The course will cover all four content areas of the GK: essay, language, reading and mathematics, with four weeks designated for each area. Remediation will continue until candidates are successful in passing all areas of the FTCE.


Gregory School of Pharmacy 

The GSOP has two processes to identify and support students who are at risk of not progressing toward graduation.


Promediation. Promediation allows for early detection of students at risk of failing a course so that actions can be made to facilitate student success in the program.  The first time a student scores ≤65% on any exam (or major assessment) in a course he/she will complete and implement the Promediation Action Plan in consultation with the course coordinator. Although this process is required for every student who scores ≤65% on an exam for the first time in the course, the course coordinator can require participation in this process from all students who failed an exam.  With promediation, students work with the course coordinator to identify challenges to their success and create a plan to address the challenges so that future success in the course can be achieved.   The GSOP promediation policy is beneficial as it identifies students earlier in the semester, thus potentially allowing the student to improve in the course.


Remediation. The other process that the GSOP has in place is curricular remediation.  Curricular remediation is a student directed prescribed course of study that occurs after course failure.  The purpose is to offer a second change to demonstrate competency in the course, rather than receive instruction. To be eligible for remediation, a student must meet the following criteria:

  1. Only 1 didactic course failed during the semester
  2. Final grade average in failed course is NOT less than 65%
  3. The maximum of 3 remediated courses has not been met
  4. Student is arenot on academic or PHC probation
  5. Student demonstrated active participation during the semester a. Active participation in the curriculum is defined as a student who participates in class with regular class attendance, participation in the promediation process and assignments and utilization of available academic resources.
  6. Student did not fail the course due to academic dishonesty.


Successful completion of remediation can enable a student to continue in the program with an on-time graduation.



Faculty in individual Schools at the University are aware of and discuss graduation rates on a regular basis. The Provost’s Administrative Council (PAC) receives regular reports on University’s graduation rates and comparison to other institutions via the IPEDS Data Feedback Report. The President or Provost also regularly report progress on this goal to the Board of Trustees.


Goal #3: Students will meet the thresholds established by external organizations for success in licensure or certification requirements. (IO3)


Measurement and Rationale

Programs at the University prepare their graduates for various external measures of success at or after graduation as follows. Rationales vary according to program detail and are included for each program measure.


Gregory School of Pharmacy – Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D)

Pharm.D. graduates from the Lloyd L. Gregory School of Pharmacy must pass the North American Pharmacist Licensure Examination (NAPLEX) before they can become licensed pharmacists. Such is required by all state boards of pharmacy.

  • Goal: NAPLEX first time pass rate is within 5% of state and national pass rates.
  • Rationale for Goal: The state (FL) pass rate for 2021 was 85.3%. The national pass rate for 2021 was 83.7%.  The state (FL) pass rate for 2022 was 82.5%.  The national pass rate for 2022 was 79.6%.
  • Recent History:  In 2022, 80.0% of the PBA graduates passed NAPLEX the first time they took it. In 2021, 88.9% of the PBA graduates passed NAPLEX the first time they took it.
  • Threshold: within 5% of the national pass rate

School of Nursing – Bachelor of Nursing (BSN)

The NCLEX-­RN is a national licensure exam required for licensure as an RN in all 50 states.

  • Goal: CCNE Accreditation minimum: 80%. PBA minimum goal: 84%. PBA aspirational goal: 95%
  • Rationale for Goal: The PBA minimum goal is based on the Average National Pass rate. The PBA aspirational goal was established because PBA has always been substantially higher than the National rate.
  • Recent History: 2022 PBA SON Pass rate 77.27%; 2021 PBA SON Pass rate 84%; 2020 PBA SON Pass rate 78%
  • Threshold: equal to or higher than the national pass rate – 2022 National Pass Rate 72.44%; 2021 National Pass Rate 84%; 2020 National Pass Rate 88%
  • Although it was apparent that the COVID pandemic impacted the pass rate and the PBA SON pass rate continued to remain above the overall Florida state first-time pass rate of 55.19%, the SON leadership team did a more comprehensive review and analysis of the exam results leading to strategy planning to correct the identified problems. As shown above, PBA SON pass rate went up 5 points while the National Pass dropped. The SON continued interventions to prepare 2022 graduates for the NCLEX with a new preparation vendor and faculty supervision.

School of Education and Behavioral Studies – Education

Palm Beach Atlantic University School of Education students must pass three Florida Teacher Certification Exams (FTCE) to be a certified Florida school teacher. Students must first pass the General Knowledge exam (GK) during their first semester as prerequisite for upper-level coursework. Second, elementary education majors must pass the Professional Education exam (PEd). Third, they must pass all sections of the Elementary K­6 Subject Area Exam (SAE) to student teach.

  • Goal: 75% pass rate on first attempt for all four Elementary K­6 Subject Area Exam sections.
  • Rationale for Goal: The 2020-2022 pass rates for the State’s first attempt were:
    • Overall 59%
    • Language Arts 53%
    • Social Science 64%
    • Science 63%
    • Mathematics 56%.
  • Recent History: The three-year pass (2020-2023) rates for PBA Elementary Education students’ first attempt were:
    • Overall 73%
    • Language Arts 67%
    • Social Science 80%
    • Science 80%
    • Mathematics 63%
  • Threshold: 70%
  • Beginning in the 2022-23 AY, elementary education majors must take the GK test in the 1st semester of their freshman year. Students enrolled in EDU 1013 will be required to utilize 240 Tutoring as a resource to support their GK test preparation. Candidates who are unsuccessful at their 1st attempt of passing all four GK sections, work with their advisors to analyze test results for areas of strength and deficiencies. Beginning in spring 2023-24, candidates who do not pass the GK during their first semester, are required to take a one credit course designed specifically to address test-taking strategies and GK content. The course will cover all four content areas of the GK: essay, language, reading and mathematics, with four weeks designated for each area. Remediation will continue until candidates are successful in passing all areas of the FTCE.

School of Education and Behavioral Studies – Clinical Mental Health Counseling

Clinical Mental Health Counseling graduates must continue their professional profession after graduation with the Master of Science degree by documenting 1500 direct client hours while receiving no less than 100 hours of clinical supervision in no less than two years. Graduates have a maximum of five years to obtain the required supervised clinical hours before becoming eligible for Florida licensure.

  • Goal: Sixty percent (60%) of graduates are engaged in clinical work as either licensed practitioners or as registered interns.  Thirty percent (30%) of graduates attain licensure within five years of graduating.
  • Rationale for Goal: From 2013-14 to 2018-19, the percent of PBA counseling graduates who were engaged in clinical work as either licensed practitioners or as registered interns in the state of Florida was eighty-three percent (83%). The average percentage of graduates from 2013-14 to 2018-19 who attained licensure was fifty-eight percent (58%).
  • Recent History: Of the 481 graduates from 2013-14 through 2018-19, 83% are engaged in clinical work as either licensed practitioners, or as registered interns actively working towards their state licenses. Note that graduates can delay indefinitely registering as an intern and once registered are not eligible for licensure in less than two years and have up to five years to complete their clinical training. It is not known, at this time, how many graduates may have sought/obtained a license in other states. Future outcome surveys will more accurately track this data.
  • Threshold: Approximately 50% of the graduating class should be licensed after five years.

In addition to these program­-specific measures, PBA graduates are tracked for the first year after graduation to determine the percentage of graduates who are working full-time, the average amount of pay, and the percentage of graduates who have been accepted to graduate school. The information is gathered from survey data collected by the Office of Career Development and reported to the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) annually.



Results are monitored regularly and supporting initiatives are implemented by the respective programs or departments.


Goal #4: Average indebtedness for traditional undergraduate students will remain below that for other private, non­profit graduates.  (IO4)


Measurement and Rationale

The rationale for this goal is that Palm Beach Atlantic University students benefit from various methods of education on financial literacy when it comes to borrowing, debt management and repayment of loans. Direct evidence of this is reflected in the University’s 2019 three-­year cohort default rate (CDR) of 1.4%. The University is ranked 11th for lowest CDR among the 30 Independent Colleges and Universities of Florida (ICUF) schools. For the 2020 three-year CDR, the University is at 0.0%; however, this number is skewed by the pause on student loan repayment due to COVID-19. We anticipate it returning to a rate above 0.0% for the 2022 cohort.

In addition, the 2020 Common Data Set report recorded $28,831 in average undergraduate student loan debt from any loan program (federal or private) upon graduation from PBA. The average debt of graduating students in Florida’s private nonprofit colleges and universities was $30,906 in 2020, making PBA graduates’ debt 6.7% less than those at private, non-profit institutions in the state of Florida.

Financial Aid Office staff are always available to meet with any student, both on campus and virtually, to provide counseling and to answer questions related to loan options, inclusive of repayment options and where to locate their lender(s). The Financial Aid Office staff serve as the primary educational resource in the University’s efforts to educate students on student loan borrowing. Average debt for the University is posted in the following venues:

  • University’s Common Data Set
  • Each student’s Financial Aid Disclosure, available within their financial aid portal

Financial Aid staff connect with First Year Experience instructors to schedule financial aid seminars for students in each of the First Year Experience classes and provide a handout. This effort targets all traditional age freshmen and some transfer students, depending on the amount of transfer credit each has. Non­traditional and graduate students, inclusive of students in online programs and at the Orlando instructional site, receive information at Open House meetings held online and in person and then, from Financial Aid, as needed.

In accordance with federal requirements, the Financial Aid Office assists students in completing both entrance counseling and exit counseling for all students who decide they want to utilize a William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan. For our graduating students, the Financial Aid Office hosts group sessions each semester in order to meet with as many students as possible on the topic of loan repayment. PBA also encourages senior student borrowers to complete exit counseling through the use of reminder notices sent via email and posted at various locations around campus.

In order to address students who are in delinquency on repayment of loans, or who are in default, Palm Beach Atlantic University has partnered with the IonTuition Group to assist current and former students. The IonTuition Group is a counseling service that answers questions, as well as assists current and former students with their Federal Student Loans. The IonTuition Group’s goal is to provide quality customer service while helping the student stay informed of the status of their loan, provide alternative repayment options and to promote solutions to every student to avoid default.


Public Disclosure

Average debt is publicly disclosed in a variety of venues including the FAFSA process for prospective and returning students. It is included in the Common Data Set and national surveys such as U.S. News, Peterson’s, and College Board.



The University Financial Aid Office, under the supervision of the Vice President of Enrollment Management, is responsible for providing information and guidance to help student borrowers understand how to manage their debt and repay their loans in a number of ways.


Updated 12/1/23

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